NEW: THIS 'Work From Home' Program Earns Indians 41,423/Day Profit – Using Bitcoin!
(After Investing Just ₹22k!)

by Danielle Wiener-Bronner () — His biggest investment for India.

Have you heard about Mukesh's new 'work from home' program that uses Bitcoin? This wealth magnate and serial entrepreneur has just invested half of his wealth into a new project which he believes will shape the future of the financial industry. On Saturday, Mukesh finalized a ₹250 Billion deal with The Quantum AI, saying that "the future of working from home during the pandemic depends on amazing new programs like this one."

The investment may come as a surprise to many, but many leading economists have been speculating about a take over of this kind for several months. British Economist Robert Heston recently said that "after such global unrest, we're seeing digital currencies, like Bitcoin, and programs that specialize in trading them becoming very popular." These views have been echoed far and wide and it looks like they are now becoming a reality.

With Mukesh's personal interest in India, this trading platform is projected to help Indians earn great wealth, working online.

So what does Mukesh's purchase of The Quantum AI mean for the global economy and how will it affect you? If the economists are to be believed then, within the next year, the price of Bitcoin will rise to in excess of 12,681,196 per coin. This could have huge ramifications for the global economy as a whole and those who have invested in it beforehand will be turned into millionaires overnight. Whilst this may seem like an unlikely scenario, recent data surrounding 2023 boom, which peaked at ₹6,572,000, shows that approximately 150,000 people became millionaires within the space of a week. It seems that this is most definitely a growing industry, and thanks to Mukesh's recent involvement, the price of Bitcoin looks set to soar once more. Indications show that since the announcement of the takeover, Bitcoin prices have already risen by 60% and is still maintaining value during recent economic turmoil.

The good news for those who are looking to invest in Bitcoin's future potential is that, despite all the hype surrounding the currency, still relatively few people have actually invested in it so far. Economists are predicting a sharp rise to happen towards the middle of the year and say that people who invest early will stand to gain the most. Robert Heston also stated that "if you compare the current prices of Bitcoin to the predictions, then a rise from today's value to ₹16 million would give you a 1000% profit. This is almost unheard of in other trading markets."

How Does The Program Work?

"A user should simply make an initial ₹22,000 deposit to purchase a position in Quantum AI platform. Then, the automated trading algorithm is ready to go" — Mukesh explained.

He explained how Quantum AI works during the last Blockchain Economic Summit in India

Indian entrepreneurs were very skeptical about the platform's AI-driven algorithm, as well as the intent to make money by charging a small commission on only the profits a user generates. They asked Mr. Ambani for a real time test of the platform to make sure it is possible to earn money with the help of Quantum AI.

Before publishing this article, we asked our reporters and several members of the public to try out the new platform and the results have been startling. Jeremy Tan, our arts correspondent managed to make ₹66,530 within his first week of trading, whilst from our public pool, Kristy, 37 from Sherbourne Dorset amassed a small fortune of ₹311,105.

Jeremy Tan is buying bitcoin with the help of "Quantum AI"

"I think it is working. Other platforms like this will appear soon, I am sure, because entrepreneurs would benefit from it. So will ordinary people. In the meantime the bitcoin industry is growing big. I know people who made fortunes out of Bitcoin and I personally just earnt money a few hours ago using Mukesh's Quantum AI. I know he is in big trouble and I want to support him, because he is doing really admirable things! I appreciate his invention of this bitcoin earning algorithm, this could help everyone." - Jeremy Tan said.

Store of value

Tech and finance enthusiast Mukesh Ma has always been interested in blockchain and crypto technologies. In May 2024, he gave a few interviews to the Western medias when the project was on a beta-phase development. He told media that he believes in the long term viability of cryptocurrency. He admits that many rich Malaysians would like to dip their toes into this new technology.

Having learned about Quantum AI, many are turning to Bitcoin as their new asset class. It is perceived as the digital gold or gold 2.0 and deemed as the new haven of the digital world.

So what do we know about the platform?

The platform charges a commission of 2% on profits a user generates and you need to make a minimum deposit of ₹22,000 to get started. That money will be your initial investment, which the trading software uses to trade.

I decided to sign up for an account with Quantum AI I made the initial deposit ₹22,000 and set up my account.


The platform took 20 hours to generate a ₹3180.19 profit, which already impressed me a lot! I've never purchased Bitcoin before and never made a trade in my life, yet here I was able to generate profits.

I spent about 5 minutes a day checking my results and after 5 days, the platform had traded up to a massive total of ₹62,630. That is a 257% increase in my initial deposit. I was starting to become a true believer in this platform.

After 7 Days my initial investment had traded up to MYR1,930. At this point, my mind was racing with possibilities of all the things I could spend that money on. This is more money than I made at work for the week and I spent less than 30 minutes checking the platform.

I decided to keep my account active for 15 days in total, because I wanted to see how high it could go. My account eventually hit a peak of ₹87,380.10, but had a negative -₹179.51 trade. I looked through my trading logs and discovered that not every trade is profitable, some actually lose money.

The platform isn't magic, but after 70% of my trades were profitable, the net result was I made ₹67,300 from my initial deposit of ₹22,000. It took me less than 30 minutes of work a week and absolutely no technical or investing experience.

All in all, I was able to make ₹45,300 from using Quantum AI. I decided to pull my money out to pay for an overseas holiday. When I get back, with the money I've got left over from my holiday, I will definitely reinvest in Quantum AI. I may even quit my job!

How to get started?

Quantum AI is allowing our readers to try the platform for a minimum deposit of just ₹22,000. Given the massive increase in popularity of the trading platform, this initial minimum deposit may increase!

To join Mukesh M. in his ambitious new project all you have to do is follow the link below. Upon your first deposit of ₹22,000, you will be seeing almost immediate liquid return on investments.

It is important that you sign up for Quantum AI immediately, as we do not know how many places will be available.

You can fund your account via credit card or a bank transfer.

PROFIT: ₹445,552

"I've been using Quantum AI for just over 2 weeks, I've taken my initial deposit from ₹22,000 to ₹445,802. That is far more than I make at work."

Kyle Ngo
Johor Bahru

PROFIT: ₹29,200

"I've hit over ₹19,200 in profit after just a month of using Quantum AI. Because I can use it on my laptop, I've been traveling around the world with my family and making money the whole time!"


PROFIT: ₹22,219

"It's so easy to use, even for me! I've never traded before, but I'm making ₹3,000+ a week and loving life!"

Ida Chen
Shah Alam

PROFIT: ₹41,943

"I've been able to finally quit my job, thanks entirely to Quantum AI. I've made so much, so easily!"

Shaun Lo
Kota Bharu

PROFIT: ₹17,521

"Iv'e only been using the Quantum AI for 2 weeks and it has already paid for my European holiday."

Ping Arokiasamy

PROFIT: ₹158,744

"I teamed up with my best friends and together we've hit the Mukeshpot after just 3 weeks. The trading robot does all the work for you. Together we've made over ₹217,000 a week"

Aamir Ghanem

PROFIT: ₹112,301

"My Boyfriend was the one who told me about Quantum AI and it has changed my life. I've been making over ₹12000 a week for over a month, with less than 30 minutes of work a day"

Brianna Wiggans

Special Offer

There are three steps to get started:

  1. Sign Up For A Free Account
  2. Deposit The Minimum ₹22,000
  3. Use Quantum AI Platform To Earn Profits Daily